Your Excellency, in your letter below you state that there is no particular American legislation pertaining to Catholics seeking civil divorce What about 3rd Council of Baltimore #126?
Can. 1692 §1. Unless other provision is legitimately made in particular places, a decree of the diocesan bishop or a judicial sentence can decide the personal separation of baptized spouses according to the norm of the following canons.
The 3rd Council of Baltimore decree #126 states that: "We command all (i.e. baptized) married persons that they must not go to the civil courts to obtain a separation from bed and board without previously receiving permission from the ecclesiastical authority. Should anyone attempt this, let him know that he incurs the guilt of grave sin and that he is to be punished as the bishop shall decide."
Canon 6.1 n.2 & n.3 of the 1983 code indicate that this particular legislation w/ penalty enacted by the Bishops of the United States of America is still lawfully binding in the USA. Is that correct?
Sincerely yours in Christ,
John Farrell - Seattle
Sincerely yours in Christ,
John Farrell - Seattle